ragic Cyclone Hits Malawi Emergency -  Hundred Have Died, Thousands Homeless
ragic Cyclone Hits Malawi Emergency -  Hundred Have Died, Thousands Homeless
The Orthodox Steward - Lifegiving Waters for God's People
The Orthodox Steward - Lifegiving Waters for God's People

Print Resources

Some Stewardship Bibliographical Resources


With Notes - For additional resources see the Bibliography from The First and Finest - Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering



Scott, Anthony, ed. Good and Faithful Steward: Stewardship in the Orthodox Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2003. Scott's work provides an excellent basis for approaching different dimensions of Orthodox stewardship today.



Champlin, Joseph M. Sharing Treasure, Time and Talent: A Parish Manual for Sacrificial Giving or Tithing. Collegeville, Mn.: The Liturgical Press, 1982.   A Roman Catholic resource for Christian stewardship. Has some elements that relate to an Orthodox approach.


Coniaris, Anthony M. Where Moth and Rust Do Not Consume: An Anthology on Christian Giving. Minneapolis: Light and Life Publishing Company, 1983.   One of the earlier reflections by an American author on Orthodox Stewardship.


Ferencz, Nicholas. “A Study of the American Orthodox Church and Congregationalism.”  Ph.D. diss., Duquesne University, Pittsburgh. 2004.  Fr. Ferencz's study is important in tracing the evolution of 20th century Orthodox Church structures and practices and sheds light on their shortcomings due to Congregationalistic structures.


Finke, Roger and Rodney Stark. The Churching of America, 1777-1990: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1992.   An important resource to help understand the place of religion in America and the rise and authority of religious structures that impact stewardship approaches.


Fitzgerald, Bishop Tikhon. “A Letter of Instruction on the Topic: Honoraria, Fees, "Treby," Emoluments, Gratuities – Money” to the Diocese of San Francisco and the West, Orthodox Church of America, Oct. 1, 1995 online at: http://www.orthodoxresearchinstitute.org/articles/misc/tikhon_honoraria.htm This disciplinary letter reveals the extent practices of fees for services as practiced in the Orthodox Church in the United States.


Gonzalez, Justo L. Faith and Wealth: A History of Early Christian Ideas on the Origin, Significance and Use of Money. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1990.   Helpful resource for understanding the evolution of the concepts of money use.


Grimm, Eugene. Generous People: How to Encourage Vital Stewardship. Nashville: Abingdon, 1992. A Protestant perspective on Stewardship.


Hall, Douglas John. The Steward: A Biblical Symbol Come of Age. Grand Rapids: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990. A Protestant perspective on Stewardship.


Hengel, Martin. Property and Riches in the Early Church, Translated by John Bowden. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1974.   Historical perspective on the use of money in the Christian practice.


Garrett, Duanne E. An Analysis of the Hermeneutics of John Chrysostom’s Commentary on Isaiah 1-8 with an English Translation. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, England: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.  One of Chrysotom's many commentaries on the state of wealth and Christian life.


John Cassian, Saint. Conferences: First Conference of Abbot Theonas, In A Select Library of Ante-Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the One Christian Church, Series 2, Vol. XI, ed. P. Schaff and H. A. Wace. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1955.   An important resource for understanding the tithing tradition as understood in the early Church.


John Chrysostom, Saint. On Wealth and Poverty, Catherine P. Roth, trans. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1984. Chysostom was a profound witness to the importance of Christian approach to wealth and poverty based on personal asceticism and self-denial.


_________Homilies on Genesis, 18-45, The Fathers of the Church Series, Vol. 74 trans. Robert C. Hill. Washington DC: Catholic University, 1990.  


_________Sharing Possessions: Mandate and Symbol of Faith, Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981.


Justin Martyr, St. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Translations of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Vol.1, The Apostolic Fathers: Justin Martyr, Iraneaus, Grand Rapids: Eedrmans, 1981. An early witness to Christian practices.


Kelly, Russell Earl Should the Church Teach Tithing: A Theologian's Conclusions About a Taboo Doctrine. Lincoln, Neb.: IUniverse Inc., 2001. A Protestant perspective on tithing.


Russell Earl. Should the Church Teach Tithing: A Theologian's Conclusions About a Taboo Doctrine. Lincoln, Neb.: IUniverse Inc., 2001. A Protestant perspective on tithing.


Maksoudian, Krikor Internet Article “The Armenian Tradition on Gifts Given to the Church”, Online article:www.armenianchurch.org/heritage/history/ giving2.   The Armenian tradition and offerings.


Matthews, Thomas. The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy. University Park and London: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1971.  Another helpful resource on the development of the skeuphylakion.


McNamara, Patrick H. More than Money: Portraits of Transformative Stewardship. The Alban Institute, 1999. A Protestant perspective on tithing.


Milavec, Aaron The Didache: Faith, Hope, and Life of the Earliest Christian Communities, 50-70 C.E, Mahwah, NJ, Newman Press (Paulist), 2003   The Didache reveals the important principles of community life and stewardship in the first century.


O’Hurley-Pitts, Michael. The Passionate Steward. Toronto: St. Brigid Press, 2002.


Schmemann, Alexander and Kachur, Paul. Eucharist: Sacrament of the Kingdom. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1985.


_______ For the Life of the World. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1973.


Fr. Schmemann was a key writer in the 20th century on a variety of topics relating to Orthodoxy in the contemporary world and its spiritual roots.


Schneider, John R. The Good of Affluence. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002. A different perspective on the use of wealth.




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