ragic Cyclone Hits Malawi Emergency -  Hundred Have Died, Thousands Homeless
ragic Cyclone Hits Malawi Emergency -  Hundred Have Died, Thousands Homeless
The Orthodox Steward - Lifegiving Waters for God's People
The Orthodox Steward - Lifegiving Waters for God's People

The Isaiah 44 Project - Lifegiving Water For Malawi

This is what the Lord says,

"I will pour water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground;

I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.

They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.

And people will come to say ...‘I belong to the Lord’    (Isaiah 44:2-5)

Every person needs clean water simply to survive more than 48 hours. Contrary to our common experience in the United States, millions of people around the world must trek daily in search of water sources just to take back to their homes for basic use like drinking and cooking. Often, the water found is polluted and not sanitary by modern standards, being contaminated by surface drainage from sewage.


What is needed are SAFE LOCAL WELLS, which are isolated from the pollution sources and can deliver significant quantities of healthy water daily to the local community members who draw it.  Untold hours of time are consumed daily just to get to the necessary water.  Usually this is a task for women and children who walk miles to fetch water, leaving long before dawn. But this is a safety risk; many assaults take place on these women who are just trying to meet family needs. 


The Isaiah 44 Project is committed to providing water and spiritual resources to those to whom the Lord calls us to serve.  The water wells provided by the Isaiah 44 Project will serve as an essential resource, offered in love to local Malawian communities, as an expression of love by local Christian communities, particularly those of the Eastern Orthodox Faith.  The well projects serve as a point of gathering, sharing of resources, and an extension of the ministry of Christian love by the Church - to the entire community and beyond.


Funds are collected and channeled to the St. Nicholas Charity Legacy Fund, a donor advised fund working with Greater Horizons, a US based organization that distributes funds to charitable causes worldwide. When sufficient funds exist to drill a new borehole (well), the funds are immediately channeled to a US-based Christian ministry, Equipping Leaders International, (ELI) which works cooperatively with the Malawi Orthodox Church locally to do the onsite drilling of the borehole on behalf of the local community. This cooperative effort of supporters in the US, the funding organizations, ELI in the US and Malawi, and the clergy-leaders of the Malawi Church enable the miracle of living waters to flow in a new place to God’s people.

Would You Like to Participate?

Your spiritual and financial support can make a big difference in providing this essential gift of Life to God’s people.  Please pray, asking God to bless His people through this project, and consider whether He is leading you to participate materially in some way. 

Donor Information

Checks payable to: St. Nicholas Charity Legacy Fund: Account SN-00
Make a Notation on the Memo Line:  Is. 44 Project - Wells

Mail To: Greater Horizons -  Attn. Donor Services
1055 Broadway Blvd., Suite 130 | Kansas City, MO 64105

To Donate Online-
Donor Portal: 
Greater Horizons website: www.greaterhorizons.org

Donor Questions?   Ph: 866.627.3440       support@greaterhorizons.org


Contact Information


Questions? Comments?  Contact us to learn more about this lifegiving  work:

Isaiah 44 Project - Fr. Robert Holet  or Pani Christine Holet
129 South Keswick Dr.   Troy, Va 22974     Phone: 434-987-8170 
Email: isaiah44project@gmail.com



Newsletter Link
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Is 44 Project Newsletter March 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [12.8 MB]

Donation Information


Make Checks payable to: St. Nicholas Charity Legacy Fund: Account SN-00
Make a Notation on the Memo indicating your desireL  Line:  Is. 44 Project - EMERGENCY or Is. 44 Project - Water


Mail To: Greater Horizons -  Attn. Donor Services
1055 Broadway Blvd., Suite 130 | Kansas City, MO 64105

To Donate Online-
Donor Portal: 
Greater Horizons website: www.greaterhorizons.org



The Warm Heart of Africa!

How Can I Participate?

For information about how you can participate in future well-borehole projects in Malawi, see the About page here: Isaiah 44 Project - About

Isaiah 44 Project Newsletter - Fall 23.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
NEWSLETTER - July 2023
The Isaiah 44 Project - Latest Newsletter
Isaiah 44 Project Newsletter - Summer 20[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.6 MB]

Additional Boreholes and other projects are anticipated for the 2nd half of 2024

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