Recent Ministry Activities - Chiradzulu Malawi Boreholes
Orthodox Archdiocese of Malawi
Look Right->
and you'll find a Link to download the Fall Newsletter which contains highlights of Fr. Robert's Trip to Malawi in July 2024 as well as updates to the most recent well-drilling activities.
In November additional funds were forwarded to the Archdiocese of Malawi and it is is hoped that these will be sufficient to allow the local contractors to secure two new boreholes on parish sites. We should learn more about this in mid-Decemeber. It is a little tricky to drill boreholes in what is the rainy season in Malawi as the water table comes up, so the boreholes may not go deep enough to sustain water during the dry season. Hence we rely on the expertise of the local contractors to manage this for year-round suitability for the boreholes.
What can you do to support this effort?
1. Simply, the most important thing is to open your heart to the ways in which God would lead you to serve others. If it is through the Isaiah 44 Project then we will be happy to touch base with you
and discuss your thoughts and hopes for this work.
2. Open the door to others. Especially, asking your pastor if a presentation/visit to your parish where the abundant blessings of God manifest through the Isaiah 44 Project can be shared with
others. This can be a coffee hour presentation, a small group discussion (even online), or a prayer service.
3. We do not directly solicit donations. However if you are moved in your heart to do so, you can find the contact information in the right hand column.
May the Lord continue to bless the Church and the people of Malawi as well as those who seek to extend love to them through the Isaiah 44 project.